International Interlinkages of the Research Agenda
The transformation into a society of longer lives is not only taking place in Germany. Demographic change has become a reality in many other industrial nations today. Not least among our European neighbours, besides countries such as Japan, Canada and Korea, the process of demographic ageing is already far advanced.
In line with the Federal Government’s strategy for internationalizing science and research, we will expand the national focus areas of funding through cooperation with important partner countries and institutions inside and outside of Europe. This includes the promotion of exchange about successful methods (so-called "best practices"), the development of joint approaches and measures, reaping the benefits from synergy effects, and a close coordination of national and international initiatives.
The Federal Government plays an active part in the development of the "Horizon 2020" European framework programme for research and innovation. Based on the "Europe 2020" EU strategy, the programme serves to pave the way for the next stages of European cooperation and to address societal changes that are important to the further development of Europe and its member states.
In the process, we also advance the Joint Programming Initiative, "More years, better lives – The challenges and potentials of demographic change", initially suggested by us. This initiative is aimed at coordinating national research activities among European states in the field of demographic change, thereby enhancing their effectiveness and efficiency.
In addition, Germany will continue to be involved in the Joint Programming Initiative on neurodegenerative diseases, and will play an active role in the conceptual design and implementation of joint European funding programmes for a healthy and independent life.
The ultimate objective of our research cooperation and innovation partnerships is to improve collaboration in science, research and industry, and to generate synergy effects. To this end, we will identify contentrelated starting points for future collaboration and elaborate and implement them in concert with the respective partners. In this context, cooperation with countries outside of Europe may be helpful, in particular with those that are undergoing similar ageing processes.